Friday, October 10, 2008

Penny's Near Death Experience

Okay, I finally figured this blog thing out! Talk about near death experiences...any near me was near death trying to figure out how to join this blog! My near death experience was on the lake...Starvation Reservoir that is. We had rented one of those big 5-seater banana tubes & I think Kelly had just upped my insurance policy 'cause he tried to kill me! I don't remember who all was on the banana with me, but it was no life-saving flotation device as Kelly did figure 8's over & over again until the waves were about 20 ft. high, then proceeded to hit the biggest wave head-on. The next thing I remember was being under water so far I didn't know which way was up to the surface! Yikes! It's a good thing I had a Coast Guard approved life vest on to help me float to the surface! Apparently when we hit the wave, I flew (in the MOST lady-like way) pretty high in the air, then did a fabulous entry into the water! It must have scared Kelly because by the time I surfaced, he had already turned the boat around and was by my side! I was fine, but not all's fair in love & war because he wasn't brave enough to let me drive while he rode the banana!! Lot's of fun cabin memories!

1 comment:

Kimber said...

I would have given anything to be in the boat watching that. HA!